- Animation Tax Relief
- Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED)
- Anti-avoidance measures
- Appeals
- Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
- Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) tax planning strategies
- British ex patriates (ex pats) abroad
- Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR)
- Business tax issues
- Buying and Selling a business or a company
- Capital allowances (CA)
- Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
- Charity tax
- Children’s Television Tax Relief
- CIS tax investigations
- Commercial property
- Company tax (Corporation tax)
- Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
- Corporate Criminal Offence
- Corporate reorganisations
- Creative Industry tax reliefs
- Crypto businesses
- Cryptocurrencies
- Customs duties and Excise duties
- Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes (DOTAS) and GAAR
- Divorce settlements
- Domicile issues
- Employee benefits
- Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT)
- Employer compliance investigations
- Employment related shares
- Employment Status issues
- Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)
- Estate planning
- EU tax issues
- Excise duties
- Executorship
- Family investment companies
- Farming tax issues
- Film tax relief
- Flexible benefits
- Foreign (non UK) taxes
- Foreign income
- Furlough fraud tax investigations
- High-end Television Tax Relief
- HMRC clearances
- HMRC Code of Practice 8 investigations (CoP 8)
- HMRC compliance enquiries
- HMRC Contractual Disclosures - Code of Practice 9 (CoP 9)
- HMRC enquiry letters
- HMRC nudge letters
- HMRC Voluntary Disclosure Facility
- Import VAT
- Inheritance tax (IHT)
- Insurance Premium Tax (IPT)
- Intangible assets
- International business tax (general)
- International Pensions and UK taxation
- International tax (personal)
- IR35 and off payroll rules
- IR35 related tax investigations
- IR35, intermediaries and off payroll rules
- Irish corporation tax
- Irish dividend withholding tax
- Irish expat taxes
- Irish income taxes
- Irish VAT
- Isle of Man (IoM)
- Jersey
- Land remediation relief
- Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)
- Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
- Lloyds Underwriters
- National Insurance Contributions (NICs)
- National Minimum Wage (NMW) investigations
- Offshore bonds
- Offshore disclosure facilities
- Offshore trusts
- Oil taxation
- Orchestra Tax Relief
- Overseas entity taxation
- Overseas income
- Partnership tax matters
- Patent Box
- PAYE - employer issues
- Pensions - annual allowance calculations
- Pensions - Income Tax
- Pensions - Inheritance tax (IHT) issues
- Personal tax issues
- Portuguese Tax issues
- Private client tax matters
- Probate
- Property tax - commercial
- Property tax - residential
- Purchase and sale of companies
- R&D tax relief and credits
- Research and Development (R&D)
- Residence and non-residence issues
- Revenue enquiries
- Revenue Investigations
- Self assessment tax returns
- Share schemes
- Share valuations
- Stamp duty land tax (SDLT)
- Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) reclaims
- Statutory Residence Test
- Tax advocacy
- Tax avoidance schemes - enquiries and exits
- Tax clinic style support
- Tax disputes
- Tax Expert Witness
- Tax Governance
- Tax investigations
- Tax Strategy
- Termination payments
- Theatre Tax Relief
- Tonnage Tax
- Transfer Of Assets Abroad (TOAA)
- Transfer Pricing
- Tribunal representation
- UK taxation of foreign pension lump sums
- UK Trusts
- Unapproved Pensions
- US IRS Certified Acceptance Agents
- US personal and income taxes
- US related Global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI)
- US Tax Enrolled Agent
- US Tax For Nonresident Aliens 1040NR
- US tax for owner managed businesses
- US Tax Reclaim for Foreigners
- US Tax – American Expat tax
- US Tax – FIRPTA Tax reclaim
- US Tax – IRS Audit response
- US tax – on non-US corporations
- US tax – on non-US trusts
- US taxes streamlined filing facility
- Valuations
- VAT - aircraft
- VAT - EU and International
- VAT - financial services
- VAT - general
- VAT - land and property
- VAT - partial exemption
- VAT - yachts
- VAT investigations
- Will writing
- Worldwide Disclosure Facility (WDF)