This is a really specialist area and you are likely to want to speak with a real expert such as one of the specialist SDLT advisers below.

Recent changes to the SDLT tax rules mean that many solicitors will be unsure whether you be liable for the new 3% ‘second residential property surcharge’ or what that liability might amount to. Few accountants or tax advisers are confident of advising on such matters either.

Our SDLT specialist tax advisers can also provide you with advice as to how to mitigate your potential liability to Stamp Duty Land Tax, recover overpaid stamp duty, assist in challenging correspondence from HMRC and challenge previous advisers whose advice on SDLT may have been negligent.

Tax Advisers

The following advisers all have the relevant specialist expertise. Their profiles include their contact details, background, specific expertise and other specialisms

Simon Ciantar
Simon Ciantar
We offer services to non Maltese residents
Robert Teasdale
Robert Teasdale
Now based on the Isle of Man I provide a bespoke tax advisory service to UK, Manx and International clients including Lloyd's Underwriters.
John Kavanagh
John Kavanagh
I am an experienced Chartered Tax Adviser, offering a virtual Tax Partner service to accountants, including sole practitioners, small practices and top 50 and international firms.
David Hannah
David Hannah
David Hannah is a well known expert on SDLT and related wealth management issues.
Duncan Meredith
Duncan Meredith
Over 35 years' experience as a tax adviser - 14 years with my own practice. I save tax for families, businesses, individuals, and provide tax advice for accountants and law firms
Paul Davison
Paul Davison
Paul Davison set up PD Tax Consultants with the vision of providing a high quality service that is accessible to everyone that could benefit from expert tax advice.
Stephen Burwood
Stephen Burwood
Stephen provides authoritive tax advice to entrepreneurs and their businesses on a diverse range of taxes: sales and acquisitions, share schemes, share valuations, and SDLT.
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Tax Accountants

The following tax accountants are all willing to assist with simpler questions on this topic and to help you complete tax returns. Their profiles include contact details and other key information.

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