Tax Advisers

The following advisers all have the relevant specialist expertise. Their profiles include their contact details, background, specific expertise and other specialisms

Leila Sangar
Leila Sangar
I am a Chartered Tax advisor delivering holistic advice to minimise taxation in complex family/business situations.
Michael Sherry
Michael Sherry
Tax Barrister and Former Head of Chambers at Temple Tax
Bernard O'Kelly
Bernard O'Kelly
An independent tax advisor specialising in UK, International and Offshore tax matters. I can help clients with tax planning, reviewing existing structures, and any tax enquiries.
John Kavanagh
John Kavanagh
I am an experienced Chartered Tax Adviser, offering a virtual Tax Partner service to accountants, including sole practitioners, small practices and top 50 and international firms.
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Tax Accountants

The following tax accountants are all willing to assist with simpler questions on this topic and to help you complete tax returns. Their profiles include contact details and other key information.

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