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Paul Malin

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Rugby, Warwickshire and national

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Taking the stress away from a tax investigation and giving back certainty.
From Disclosure through to Settlement.
Resolving any exit from EBTs, Remuneration Trusts etc.

Any challenge by HMRC can be both unexpected and daunting for all concerned.  When a taxpayer seeks help, it is a given that the adviser has the technical ability to handle the matter.  But what about having the right strategy?

Knowing how HMRC thinks and works can be helpful.  Knowing what HMRC will ask about next is better.  Standing up to HMRC and defending what can be defended is the way forward.

Whether the suspicion is of having committed tax evasion or participated in a tax avoidance scheme and wanting to exit, finding an acceptable pathway is often key to an early and successful resolution.  Not everyone is a tax expert.  Not everyone  can keep abreast of all the legislation, all of the time - including HMRC!

HMRC can make a taxpayer feel like a criminal even though no laws have been broken.  Understanding what HMRC can do and what they can ask for is essential.  But is what is being asked for relevant?

If a taxpayer has not declared all their income and gains, neither have they paid all the tax.  Moreover, interest and possibly a penalty may also be due.  It is just as important to think about the end position and the steps necessary in order to minimise penalties at the very outset when formulating any response to HMRC.

If a taxpayer has not followed all the relevant legislation and sought to avoid tax, they have not necessarily broken any law.  However, the use of any aggressive tax avoidance mechanism can attract a challenge by HMRC.

With over 35 years experience, I have both the knowledge and the experience to find a pathway and guide any taxpayer through a tax investigation with less stress along the way.  

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