Did you enjoy attending networking events before the lockdown?

One thing you learn pretty quickly when you start networking is that it’s really hard to find a new clients at networking events. It’s hit and miss. And most often it’s a miss. Quite simply no one goes to a networking event in the hope of finding a tax adviser or a new accountant.

This can be quite frustrating if that was why you forced yourself to attend an event with a bunch of strangers.

Building a website takes time and money and then you are hoping that people searching online will find your website and get in touch.

This is partly why advertising has its place for tax services. Sadly most such advertising is, of necessity, of the ‘spray and pray’ variety. And it’s typically quite expensive too in terms of the ‘cost of acquisition’ for a new client. The cost of acquisition tends to fall if you can afford a targetted, focused and sustained advertising campaign – but this tends to require a hefty up front investment.

I am seeing an increasing number of accountants and tax advisers attempting to market themselves on Linkedin and on other online platforms. Such approaches are free from a financial cost but take a lot of time and effort before they really pay off and generate business. I have written plenty on this blog about the myths and misconceptions surrounding social media and Linkedin. This is why so many accountants and tax advisers struggle to generate business through these media.

There is another option of course. One with a low cost of acquisition, that requires no ongoing time and effort and which only generates leads from people who need your expertise. I’m thinking of this Tax Advice Network website. Maybe now is the time to register so that you can be found when people in your area are looking for help with their tax issues, challenges and problems. Or you can continue doing what you’ve always done and hope that things will get better. Except that ‘hope’ is never much good as a business strategy.

Mark Lee – May 2020