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Gillian has spent the last 15 years advising high net worth individuals.
Gillian Everall BA (Hons), CTA, TEP
Having trained in Deloitte and gained experience in a number of other large firms such as Baker Tilly, BDO LLP and most recently Frank Hirth plc as an Associate Director in the Private Client Group, Gillian has spent the last 15 years advising high net worth individuals.
Gillian has experience of a broad range of UK personal tax issues. In recent years however she has specialised in dealing with high net worth private clients in the international arena, advising on all aspects of their UK taxation position such as pre arrival structuring of assets and creation of capital, establishing an individual's domicile, planning for remittances and advising on business investment relief for entrepreneurial clients.
Gillian has also advised extensively on the UK treatment of specific investments for clients moving to the arising basis and on the treatment of non-UK pension schemes. Another element of the work Gillian undertakes is advising on the UK tax consequences of a proposed divorce agreement for UK resident non-domiciled individuals.
Gillian also has a number of years of experience in advising on Inheritance Tax planning issues including planning for deemed domicile and the treatment of offshore trusts both in connection with the settlor and beneficiary. She has also been involved in advising clients on tax efficient structuring including the use of trusts for planning for deemed domicile for Inheritance Tax purposes and for capital gains tax purposes.